Texas Born And Raised. Ivy League Educated.

Take A Proactive Stance Against White Collar Crime Charges

The moment you believe you are under suspicion of committing a white collar crime, seek counsel from Valenzuela Law Firm. If you are being questioned or investigated, our lawyers will strive to prevent charges from being filed or to put you in the best possible defensive position should they be. If you have been charged, we will build a defense strategy designed to minimize or eliminate any impact these charges may have on your life and your future.

We have served El Paso as one of its premier criminal defense law firms since 2014.

A Full Range Of White Collar Criminal Defense Services

We recognize that for many professionals, even the accusation of a white collar crime or financial crime can have a career-ending impact. Our white collar crime attorneys have a well-known reputation for moving fast in high-visibility, high-stakes cases. We know how complex these cases can get and we have proven time and time again our ability to navigate these complexities in order to protect our clients’ careers, reputations and futures.

Our lawyers defend against white collar crime charges of:

  • Fraud of all types, including wire fraud, mail fraud and health care fraud
  • Health care crimes such as Medicare and Medicaid fraud
  • Embezzlement of funds
  • Money laundering
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission violations
  • Insider trading
  • Tax crimes

Since many financial activities take place online, our law firm uses the latest advancements in technology to gather forensic evidence, including the use of AI solutions. Our white collar crime attorneys are leaders when it comes to creating defense strategies backed by tech and digital data.

Experienced Defense For Federal White Collar Crime Charges

White collar crimes become federal matters when they cross borders, involve substantial sums of money or when they involve a federal program or organization such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Federal crimes are most frequently investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), but the SEC and IRS also have their own investigative branches. The United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) is the primary prosecuting body.

It may go without saying, but one of the biggest distinctions between federal and state cases is that federal bodies have substantially more resources. Also, federal laws can vary dramatically from state laws, and the penalties are often much more severe.

Federal white collar crime convictions often require mandatory minimum sentences, meaning judges have little control over your sentence. A mandatory minimum sentence could mean one to 20 years in prison, even for first offenders. Not every defense attorney is licensed to appear before federal court, but we are. We have the experience, knowledge and resources to go up against the federal government to protect your rights, whether you have been charged or you believe you are being investigated. We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so we can create a strong white collar crime defense strategy for you.

Experienced Defense For State White Collar Crime Charges

Many people mistakenly believe that the state does not take white collar crimes seriously. On the contrary, Texas prosecutes white collar offenses thoroughly and tends to seek the harshest possible charges and sentences. It often invests hundreds of thousands of dollars and months of time into its white collar investigations, and may team with federal agencies. Facing both state and federal charges for the same or related crimes is a possibility.

These investigations may be led by the Attorney General of Texas or district attorneys, working in conjunction with local law enforcement. Texas even has the Financial Crimes Intelligence Center (FCIC), which works to investigate organized financial crimes.

No matter who is investigating you or who has issued the charges, it is critical that you reach out to our experienced white collar crime lawyers as soon as possible. We have experience going up against all of the agencies involved and are committed to defending you.

Time Is Crucial – Contact Us Now For A Consultation

Act as quickly as you can to secure defense counsel from Valenzuela Law Firm. We have the knowledge, experience and strength to protect your rights. Set up an initial consultation by calling us at 915-292-3173 or by using our online contact form. We make ourselves available 24/7. Hablamos español.